If you have an account, you'll see this 'Account Already Exists' message: Step 1: Make sure you have an NAU Google account by clicking this link. Typically, the password is synchronized between the Microsoft Exchange and NAU Google account so, when you change your password, they stay the same. Faculty and staff are not given an account automatically, but can request an NAU Google account which, as with students, is based on their NAU user id and password. Faculty/StaffĮ-mail: In addition to the GMail account, students get access to the NAU Google suite of applications. There are two e-mail systems at NAU one for faculty/staff, and one for students. Many of your students will be familiar with these tools, as they have really taken off in K-12.
NAU has its own instance of the Google suite of apps that uses your NAU credentials, and is free to all students, alumni, faculty and staff. Overview: Google Apps are cloud-based tools similar to the products in the Microsoft Office suite, but with some significant advantages that we will review below.
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